Continuing along the lines of my Hanging Victorian Moss Basket post from earlier in the week, here is how you can apply the same theme to any wire frame, container, or object that can hold moss. The moss-lined object is then planted with succulents to create something like this:

Start with any object, container or wire frame that can hold moss and soil, like this one:

Use green moss, the fresher the better. Be sure to dampen it down first to reduce dust. Bright green living moss will “pop” against the neutral color of the wire frame.

Start by lining the bottom and sides of the container, just like you did with the hanging basket.

Be sure to push the moss tight into the corner with enough thickness, so that soil will not fall through.

Once the basket is line with moss, gently add soil. For this shallow of a frame I will only be planting in the top, not the sides. So I will fill the moss-lined basket almost to the top.

Then add rocks and your favorite succulents. For smallish containers like this, be sure to select succulents that “behave themselves” and do not have the potential to grow / spread quickly.

For this one created during my days in Bellingham, WA (Pacific Northwest), it had to survive outdoors during winter, so I used Sedum and Sempervivum. Yes they will do just fine in this moss-lined wire frame in light frost and snow.