Summer has now officially passed into fall, and yet southern California remains hot and sunny. One secret to Cymbidium orchid reblooming success is keeping them cool through the summer.

Cymbidium orchids prefer cooler temperatures all year long, without any frosts or freezing. Why is this? Well, I like to emphasize the notion that the goal for any type of gardening is to reproduce your plant’s native habitat to get the desired growth habit, in this case reblooming Cymbidiums, while having lots of fun!

The native habitat of most Cymbidium orchids is typically high elevations in tropical and subtropical areas of Southeast Asia; it doesn’t get too hot in these environments. Furthermore, it rains during summer in their native habitat. Therefore, we must provide cool temperatures and sufficient water during summer for our Cymbidium orchids to rebloom later during the winter months.

The frost-free areas along the west coast of the United States (that is, right on the coast) provide an ideal environment to grow and rebloom Cymbidium orchids. It’s not too not, and as long as you water during summer and repot every few years, Cymbidium orchids very reliably rebloom.

Provide frequent water during late spring through summer when plants are growing leaves. How often to water depends on your growing situation, size of containers, size of plant. Well maintained huge specimens in large pots may only need water once a week. Small plants struggling in one gallon pots may need water every few days during summer months. Fertilize your orchids, with a fertilizer suitable for orchids. Watch for new growth! Leaves growing is your signal to water more often.

Once new growths are mature and the pseudobulbs have fully formed, reduce watering frequency. Greatly reduce watering frequency once spikes emerge.